Use Cases
Select a tab below to see the Use Cases for each function and goal
Satisfaction Drivers
Discover which aspects of your service have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction and how to emphasize these differentiators.
Customer Persona Development
Use survey data to define detailed customer personas for targeted marketing.
Pricing Strategy Insights
Gauge customer willingness to pay and perceived value to optimize pricing strategies.
Market Segmentation
Discover how various segments prioritize specific features or pricing models and design offerings that optimize client acquisition within each segment.
Communication Priorities
Identify which features or benefits to emphasize in marketing and sales materials.
Brand Awareness
Measure the extent of recognition and recall of your brand within the target audience.
Product/Service Feedback
Collect customer opinions about your product or service’s features, quality, and usability to refine offerings.
Advertising Effectiveness
Evaluate the performance of marketing campaigns and their resonance with the target audience.
​​​Churn Reduction
Identify features or pricing options that most reduce churn risk.
Customer Satisfaction
Assess how satisfied customers/clients are with your products or services to identify areas for improvement.